Thursday, January 15, 2009

Do GOOD things,don't remember, do BAD things, remember for life !

In our life, i guess each and everyone of us has gone through this concept or come across this thinking whereby we always think of, why HUMAN nature is just as boring as this. When you do good to someone, it does not count for any credits, but if you do BAD he will remember it for once. You got my point?
Sometimes we might hear it from your friends and even family members. Do 10 times good, they don't appreciate, but remember all the time the mistakes i did last time, always bring it back during quarrel. Either you come across these or not, i leave that to you.
Ok, let's share this out and you think the rest.
In human nature, NO ONE is borned to do BAD things, rite. Everyone is assigned or expected to do GOOD things. Having said that, automatically doing good things is just as normal as drinking water in our daily life. It has become nothing to human, though you are doing good things. Doing good things is not highlited in our life. Unless stuff that is really very very good, then people will remember it. But not really as remember as rememebr bad things.
Ok, since everyone is doing good, like i said is nothing to human. So ,,, if you do ONE single BAD thing then the BAD thing is highlited. Thats why everybody remembers what you've done wrong, because it has become something very diffrerent from NORMAL,,and that is doing GOOD. you get the point?
If everyone is doing BAD, then you try to do GOOD, then people will always remember your GOOD things. And the BAD things has become normal,,no one will remember it. Like some of the boss or company, they always trying to do bad things to others, and YOU try to stand up and fight for the RIGHT things, therefore you are wrong. Get the point !!
A group of people always think and plan bad things to others, for them ! doing bad things are GOOD. So if you stupidly trying to fight for the RIGHT things, therefore ,,, all of them hate you,,and you become wrong,,instead. what a shame....these people doen't know what is rite and what is wrong. :)
Sometimes is so sad to have these kind of people around us, and no matter how you try to safe and help them,,they just keep on think of nagetive stuff and think that you try to go against them, and never accept the fact. What a shame, and pitty to these kind of people too :)
So, this is my point of view to the phrase of
"Why people only remember my mistakes and never remember my GOODs "
so this is one of the point that explains the question. Is just a sharing and point of view. ok :)
long-gas :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting concept...

it's just as simple as becoming a spotter of good, than spotter of mistake.

I'm not sure good is still being the norm of today's society... maybe you haven't seen a great act of kindness in a long while...

Advise works both ways, have you remember any of the good things they did?

I know... I know... they don't do much good things, I can hardly remember any myself, but there are some, like they treat us to a meal every semester, though it's not great.. it counts.

Moses, we know you are good, at least.