What happens when your friend suddenly not going well with you, or maybe ignore you. After sometimes, you find out from some other friends that he/she's actually jealous about you. Why? no one knows, but it's seems sudden.
If this stuff happens in your life, then I want to congratulates you first before I continue the rest. Why am I congratulating you? it is because you've done something successful in your life whereby SOMEONE could not do it or achieve. It is because you are way much better and successful then him/her, therefore she jealous you or doesn't like you anymore.
Let's think it this way, why the hell does he/she jealous you out of a sudden? why,,,,everything that happens around us, there must be a starting point or reason. rite. . . unless you are talking about CRAZY and useless people, there are the one without reason of doing something,,,, ignore them...they are not in the topic...
ok....so he/she hates you or jealous you,,,because you are better than him/her. He/She couldn't get what you have, but he/she wants it. . . therefore, she chooses to hate and jealous you,,,and that makes him/her happier... ok,,,well since you feel happier in this situation,,,then go ahead...rite.
Conclusion, this kind of friendship......who cares... it really doesn't matter either you have or do not have a relationship with this TYPE of people, cos they are boring and useless. and senseless and un-educated. The are not a professional, by rite,,,, if you see your friend is much better than you.,,,,then you should fight him,,,, or follow his/her foot step. try to be like him/her or better than him/her. But not just sit back and testify that you are a looser to him/her.
Make him jealous you in other way round, that means you are a successful ones than him/her...rite..... of cos we don't hope our friend to jealous us lah........ :)
anyway,,,,remember. When someone jealous you,,, don't forget.... remember... look around yourself and think.... and know that you have done something successful whereby someone couldn't do it.